Leadgene Leadgene
HyFect® mRNA-Xpert Transfection Reagent
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  • Overview


    HyFect® mRNA-Xpert Transfection Reagent is specifically designed to introduce mRNA into mammalian cells with minimal cellular toxicity. By delivering mRNA directly to the cytoplasm, it bypasses transcriptional regulation, enabling immediate expression. This method also avoids the risk of genetic integration, thereby minimizing the potential for mutations associated with plasmid DNA.

    Product Note

    HyFect® mRNA-Xpert Transfection Reagent is recommended for use with Gibco™ Opti-MEM™ I Reduced-Serum Medium or Gibco™ OptiPRO™ SFM for alternative optimizing transfection efficiency.

  • Specifications
    • Application

      Cell transfection.

  • Instruction
    • Shipping

      The product is shipped with polar packs. Upon receipt, store it immediately at -20°C or lower for long term storage.

      Stability & Storage

      This product is stable after storage at:

      • Stored at -20°C.
      • All reagents are stable for one year under proper storage conditions.
  • Image
    Transfection: Cells were transfected with 500 ng of GFP mRNA (left) or mCherry plasmid (right) using two different transfection reagents. The upper row shows results using HyFect® Transfection Reagent (LDG0001RA), with strong fluorescence for mCherry, indicating high transfection efficiency for plasmid. The lower row shows results using HyFect® mRNA-Xpert Transfection Reagent (LDG0003RA), which exhibits significantly stronger GFP (green) fluorescence. Bright-field images are shown alongside fluorescence images to visualize cell morphology.

    Transfection: Cells were transfected with 500 ng of GFP mRNA (left) or mCherry plasmid (right) using two different transfection reagents. The upper row shows results using HyFect® Transfection Reagent (LDG0001RA), with strong fluorescence for mCherry, indicating high transfection efficiency for plasmid. The lower row shows results using HyFect® mRNA-Xpert Transfection Reagent (LDG0003RA), which exhibits significantly stronger GFP (green) fluorescence. Bright-field images are shown alongside fluorescence images to visualize cell morphology.

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Disclaimer:For Research Use or Further Manufacturing Only.

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